Tag: Flint
Urban farmers bless Flint

A solution to problem water in Flint has been found by going back to the soil.
Christ-donated dollars at work in Flint

This week the court acted to aid Flint as United Methodists extend 18 months of commitment to the city.
A step forward for Flint

As the church provides water relief in Flint, the court is requiring the state to fund pipe replacement and more.
Caring in Flint

A grant from the Bishop’s Appeal for Flint will buy a mini-bus to facilitate home delivery of water.
Out of the bottle in Flint

Education, nutrition and advocacy go beyond bottled water in the latest recovery efforts.
He pedals so they can drink

Ten-year-old Joshua Nystrom is riding his bike from Lansing to the Straits with a passion for clean water.
Flint Water Recovery moves ahead

As Peter Plum goes back to work in the world, Gregory Timmons is named new Water Recovery Coordinator in Flint.
A gift for Flint’s children

Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey will soon leave Michigan. The Area is invited to honor her with a gift to Flint’s children.
Let’s talk … about water

The Crossroads District is launching a series of Community Conversations about the Flint Water crisis starting June 14.
Making bitter water sweet

A United Methodist pastor and engineer is on the scene in Flint, testing the water and praising God.