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What’s next for young people’s ministry?

Young adult interns

Lisa Batten shares changes to intern programs within the Michigan Conference and invites us to listen and discern what future young adult ministry will look like.

Michigan young adults hatch new ideas

Young adults in Ministry Incubator

“I look forward to launching a new cohort of imagineers who have ideas ready to be hatched,” says Lisa Batten. Ministry Incubators and Wesley Theological Seminary are Michigan Conference partners.

Apply now for EncounterMICall

students at Encountermicall retreat

EncounterMICall is a 32-week internship for young adults that includes experience in areas like ministry with children, music, community engagement, and communications. Apply now.

Students listen for God’s call

Student Intern at Ferris State University

The EncounterMICall initiative is providing the opportunity for 18 young people in Michigan to discern their gifts and to put those gifts to work for God in the world. 

Grant benefits Michigan young people

EncounterMiCall participant in anti-racism workshop

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry has  funded a program that helps young leaders with discernment for ministry, EncounterMICall.

The Michigan Conference