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Your dollars go where disaster hits

One disaster after another has filled the headlines in recent weeks. UMCOR and The Michigan Conference provide ways to restore the lives of neighbors near and far.

Haiti receives two UMCOR grants

Helping Hand for Haiti after earthquake

UMCOR has issued funds for medical relief in Haiti. Roland Fernandes, head of UMCOR, says, “Our response will continue with more grants to partners in the region providing humanitarian relief.” 

The earth shifts once again across Haiti

Man in Jeremie Haiti

For the second time in 11 years, a major earthquake struck Haiti. Reports reaching The Michigan Conference indicate devastation is the greatest in the region of Jeremie and Les Cayes.… Continue Reading The earth shifts once again across Haiti

Puerto Rico recovers from quakes

Puerto Ricans recovering from hurricane and earthquake

Puerto Rico has trembled in a series of earthquakes over the holidays. Gifts to Advance #901670 will support relief efforts by UMCOR and REHACE.

UMC steps up after earthquake

Three Alaska residents who sought refuge in a United Methodist Church after the recent earthquake.

St. John’s UMC in Anchorage, Alaska became a temporary shelter for 46 residents of Karluk Manor after the earthquake knocked out power and water to the facility.

UMCOR to assist Indonesia

Earthquake damage in Indonesia

International disaster relief starts to mobilize in Indonesia. The United Methodist Committee on Relief  is partnering in the island’s recovery after catastrophic earthquake and tsunami . Donate to UMCOR #982450.

The Michigan Conference