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Churches celebrate Easter revival

Easter with camels

Holy Week and Easter were celebrated with joy this year as new Barna research shows spiritual seekers’ increasing willingness to visit a United Methodist church.

Dexter Deacon does ‘loaves and fishes’

Deacon Tom Snyder serves homeless

Tom Snyder, a Deacon at Dexter United Methodist Church, is serving as a bridge between resources and needs of the homeless in Ann Arbor. “I like DOING Christianity,” he says.

Embrace our hope in Jesus

Young people embracw

Embrace is an evangelism resource that equips Christ-followers to share their faith with confidence. It combines personal experience and six essential values. Training is Nov. 1-2 in Dexter.

The blessings of life

Blessings of being Papa

Benton Heisler tells the story of a Saturday, with grandson Weston, filled with many blessings. “The beauty of our day centered on enjoying the relationship we have with each other.”

‘Making God famous’ in Dexter

Baptism in the Huron River. The family of God grows.

Celebrating 25 years on their campus, Dexter United Methodist Church is on the grow for God and Christ. Says Pastor Matt Hook, “to be a disciple means you make disciples.”

The Michigan Conference