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UM-related schools reopen amid COVID

Adrian College is among United Methodist related schools.

A sampling of United Methodist-related schools found a strong push to bring students back to dorm rooms and in-person classes, with online courses a big part of the mix.

God is making things new

Butterfly symbolizes God is present

We live in challenging times, says the Rev. Scott Harmon. He encourages churches to be ready for transformation as they follow the Holy Spirit into the new thing that God… Continue Reading God is making things new

Liberia University copes with pandemic

The University of Liberia is struggling to re-open with e-learning this fall. Students suffer from a food crisis as well as a health crisis.

Online classes for AU students this fall

AU student going online for fall courses.

A sharp increase in COVID-19 cases in Zimbabwe prompted the Senate of Africa University to hold academic classes online through December 2020.

Time to wade into the waves

Man wading in waves

Ten years ago the Heisler family spent time in the waves of Lake Michigan. Much has changed but individuals and congregations continue to ride the waves of change. “Put on… Continue Reading Time to wade into the waves

Africa University thanks Michigan UMs

Africa U student sews

Education continues at Africa University during the pandemic. In addition, the students have been making hand sanitizer and PPE for their neighbors in the region. And Michigan helped!

Liberia receives UMCOR food relief

Food distribution in Liberia

Liberia is fighting two threats to health … COVID-19 and hunger. Gifts from UMCOR and Covenant Partners are providing food relief that’s making a positive difference in people’s lives.

Liberia’s churches begin to reopen

Churches check temps

 Wearing masks, social distancing, and taking temperatures are “new normal” practices in churches in Africa as well as the U.S. as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

Resources for a time of lament

Man in lament and grief

“A passionate expression of grief or sorrow.“ Christian tradition gives us the practice of lament. Here are resources to use in corporate worship, small groups, or individual prayer time.

What! Why no singing?

Girl singing hymn

Wearing masks, washing hands, no-touch orders of worship. These factors of return to in-person worship are understandable. Why no singing?

The Michigan Conference