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City sings for peace at Christmas

A congregation decides to move beyond the traditional carol singing and finds harmony in community.

Community is a cure

A pastor views the current opioid crisis within the context of need for compassionate and loving relationships.

Hands4Detroit this Saturday

Join the 60 churches of the Detroit Renaissance District on October 7 to make a difference in the city.

Radical faith for everyday

Intentionality guides two West Michigan women’s efforts to bring diversity and community into their families’ lives.

Can Facebook replace church?

It’s time for the church to “put our focus back on what matters most — Jesus and relationships.”

Why we can’t stay out of politics

Just as Christ confronted the powers of his day, his followers are called to political witness.

Reframing Thanksgiving

This month’s Perspective on Hope invites readers to re-examine the romanticized history of Thanksgiving.

Serving a cup of chaos

Is your ‘coffee hour’ a formal family gathering or an free-wheeling entry point for newcomers?

What young seekers expect from church

A recent Barna survey identifies spiritual development and welcoming communities as the top reasons young adults will head for the pews.

A messy cross for a messy world

Patricia Taylor, student at Asbury Theological Seminary, says soul care begins at the foot of a messy cross.

The Michigan Conference