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Growing your church without walls

Child at laptop engaging with church without walls.

Ten months ago, each church in The Michigan Conference seemed to change overnight. Dirk Elliott, Director of Congregational Vibrancy, shares best practices for continuing multi-site ministry once COVID restrictions lift.

New president at Albion College

Albion College sky view

COVID-19 brings uncertainty to the academic year that begins Aug. 24 at Albion College. President Mathew B. Johnson looks forward to facing challenges along with students, faculty, and the community.

Online classes for AU students this fall

AU student going online for fall courses.

A sharp increase in COVID-19 cases in Zimbabwe prompted the Senate of Africa University to hold academic classes online through December 2020.

New ministry model grows in Kalamazoo

New model of ministry coming to Portage Chapel Hill.

Portage Chapel Hill Church and Wesley in Kalamazoo are planting a staffing model to grow more disciples for Christ in the Kalamazoo area.

Go to college outside the box

College students return to campus. Reach them outside the box.

Worship services and VIM trips are traditional ways churches involve college students. Step outside the box with these seven ideas from ResourceUMC?

The Michigan Conference