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Still the School of Dreams in the Valley of Hope

Flags in front of building

In this guest blog, Bishop Laurie Haller traces the birth of the dream that is Africa University on the occasion of its 30th anniversary.

Bishop Laurie Haller on leave

Bishop Laurie Haller and Bishop Deborah Kiesey

The North Central Jurisdiction offers prayers for Bishop Laurie Haller and Bishop Deborah Kiesey. Haller begins a Medical Leave on April 1, and Kiesey will provide episcopal leadership in the… Continue Reading Bishop Laurie Haller on leave

NCJ Conf defines path for the future

NCJ Writing Team and Bishops

On Nov. 10-11, 2021, NCJ delegates talked about anti-racism, the future of The UMC, voted to reduce NCJ bishops by one, and also approved “The Covenant to Build BeLoved Community.”

Bard’s oversight of Minnesota Conf to continue

The Dakotas, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, served by these bishopsand East Ohio bishops

A plan for episcopal leadership in the North Central Jurisdiction, set to end December 31, 2021, has now been extended by the Council of Bishops. Bishop David Bard will continue… Continue Reading Bard’s oversight of Minnesota Conf to continue

Reflections on the Olympic spirit

Olympic symbol with Japanese flag

Bishop Laurie Haller writes that she’s always impressed by seeing how athletes deal with pressure. She praised U.S. Olympic gymnast Simone Biles for courage in publicly acknowledging her own struggles. 

2020 East Winds District Conference

The District Conference will include worship, offering, business meeting (vote on budget and district leadership) followed by a training forum by Bishop Laurie Haller of the Iowa Conference. The registration… Continue Reading 2020 East Winds District Conference

Bishops celebrate connection

Council celebrates connection on Zoom.

120 bishops from around the globe held their first-ever virtual meeting. They celebrate new ways the church is in ministry during the pandemic.

Learning to be a wanderer

A wanderer in Nepal

Bishop Laurie Haller has always loved to write. Now she shares a book with leadership and life lessons she learned on a trip to Nepal. Learn the value of being… Continue Reading Learning to be a wanderer

Africa University, school of dreams

AU student and trip photographer, Sam

When Superintendent of the Grand Rapids District, she helped raise $500,000 for the Ubuntu Centre at Africa University that recently housed visitors from Iowa.

From everywhere to everywhere

People viewing mission map

Bishop Laurie Haller takes a personal look at an awesome global enterprise … the mission of The United Methodist Church.

The Michigan Conference