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ResourceUMC website is new

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Resources of United Methodist agencies are now available on one website. Go to ResourceUMC.org when looking for how-to ministry tips.

Nashville, Tennessee – United Methodist Communications is pleased to announce their new leadership-focused website ResourceUMC.org. The site—that launched this month—was developed as a centralized portal to equip United Methodist leaders across the globe with helpful information, tools and multilingual assets. 

This single web address eliminates the need to bookmark multiple denominational websites, as it provides easy access to all of the agencies of The United Methodist Church and their ministry resources. The easy-to-navigate website simplifies locating relevant and engaging content aggregated from across the connection, saving leaders precious time. The robust mix of insightful materials provided include the how-to’s of doing ministry, as well as ones that will motivate, encourage and inspire those in leadership roles.

“ResourceUMC helps leaders do their jobs better by connecting them with information specifically tailored to their interests and needs,” says Tyrus B. Sturgis—Director of Leader Communications for United Methodist Communications, which is responsible for overall communications and marketing for The United Methodist Church. “It also uses research-based insights into leaders’ needs and preferences, to make informed decisions about creating and curating content that they will find pertinent.”

“Visitors to the site will find that whatever their ministry need or audience, ResourceUMC has them covered on topics that include Christian education, church vitality, communications and marketing, spiritual formation, congregational care, stewardship, specialized ministries and others,” adds Sturgis. “People in all types of leadership roles within the church body, not just clergy and church staff, will find resources here. If they serve the church in any capacity, ResourceUMC is for them. We realize that knowledge is power, so we are empowering leaders to make the biggest impact for Christ.”

Companion ResourceUMC Facebook and Twitter channels provide a place for leaders to participate, interact, share with and learn from one another. While “The Source” e-newsletter updates users about interesting and timely content. “By offering a comprehensive experience, leaders acquire information in the way they prefer: on demand via the website, in their social feeds or in newsletter format in their email inbox,” shares Sturgis.

“As we continue our work in communicating to and for The United Methodist Church, we are committed to evolve our delivery methods as needs demand and resources allow.  We keep a keen eye and open ear to ensure that we supply valuable information in an accessible, clear and authentic way,” shares Dan Krause—General Secretary for United Methodist Communications. “ResourceUMC is a great example of the methods and tools with which we are fulfilling that responsibility and calling.”

Last Updated on October 31, 2023

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