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Post-pandemic resources available

Seven webinars are coming in June and July aimed at helping your church build faith and community in the post-pandemic era.

Assoc. Director for Congregational Vibrancy

As the country continues to receive good news from the CDC about reopening, the Church has an opportunity to consider what ministry post-pandemic might look like. Over the past year, we have experienced many twists, turns, and pivots in our personal lives and the church. One thing we want to avoid is a return to a model of ministry designed to reach a world that no longer exists. You are probably asking yourself, NOW WHAT?

Bishop Ough writes, “I lament that there will be no return to normal; that the foundations of the church have been shaken to the core and cannot be put back together to look the way they looked in the past. Yet, I rejoice in the opportunity to re-envision, re-create, re-invent, re-imagine our congregations … What an opportunity!”  

We invite you on an exciting journey as we begin to re-imagine what the future could be. Your conference staff is curating rich resources from diverse voices from across the county. We have created a webpage highlighting upcoming webinars, videos, books, and articles to help with your next steps.

We are excited about a 7-week webinar series beginning the week of June 13 that builds on the previous emphasis on worship and incorporates hybrid ministry, connecting with your community, reimagining faith formation, and designing faith formation for different age levels.

On June 24 at 7 pm, we will host Kay Kotan, the author of the book Being The Church in a Post-Pandemic World. Kay is a lifelong Methodist who has worked with conferences across the country. During her webinar, you will discover the opportunities available during this time of disruption to re-launch your church into the community. Whether your church never left your building, you are already back in your building, or have yet to re-open your building, this webinar is for you! 

The webinars below will focus on Faith Formation in a Post-Pandemic World. The dates and times are listed below.

  • June 14: Designing Hybrid Faith Formation for the Post-Pandemic World
  • June 29: Building Community and Relationships in the Post-Pandemic World
  • July 7: Formation for Christian Living in a New World
  • July 15: Designing Children and Family Faith Formation for the Post-Pandemic World
  • July 20: Designing Adolescent and Emerging Adult Faith Formation for the Post-Pandemic World
  • July 27: Designing Adult Faith Formation for the Post-Pandemic World

All webinars are free with a suggested donation if you can of $5/webinar or $25 for all seven. Your donation will help offset the cost of the webinars and enable future webinars and learning opportunities for our ministry leaders. All webinars will be recorded and available to those who register.

For more information about each webinar, and other Post-Pandemic resources, please visit the Post-Pandemic Resources website.

For more information, contact: the Rev. Gary Step – [email protected] or the Rev. Kathy Pittenger [email protected].   

Register for webinar

Last Updated on October 30, 2023

The Michigan Conference