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Children’s ministry finds its niche

People standing around a table

Kids Ministry Zooms are online gatherings for those involved in children’s faith formation in the Michigan Conference. Join their next meeting on September 18.

Building a sustainable children’s ministry

Four people making a house out of toy blocks

It’s back-to-school time, and churches can lean on the new Michigan Conference Children’s Ministry Team for fall ministry support and then prepare to receive an offering for Christian Education Sunday,… Continue Reading Building a sustainable children’s ministry

Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort

Join our three month cohort for faith formation leaders to learn, share, and connect. Cohorts in the Michigan Conference offer leaders regular meeting times with others in similar positions or… Continue Reading Faith Formation Fall Mini-Cohort

From generation to generation

Korean American family celebrating Easter

In celebration of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Dr. Jennifer Hahm and Rev. Andy Lee illuminate some of the cultural values and faith practices that sustain… Continue Reading From generation to generation

5 tips for sharing the Lenten story with children

Symbols of Lent

Children’s book author Glenys Nellist offers five tips on how to honor the season of Lent in age-appropriate, meaningful ways while still giving it the attention it deserves.

You are not alone in ministry

Hands together

The Michigan Conference is launching seven new cohorts to give leaders peer support as they navigate faith formation in their churches or start new ministries.

How to build lifelong faith

Large family with people of all ages

In a new cohort beginning January 10, John Roberto will guide church leaders in envisioning and implementing a lifelong faith formation plan.

A love letter from Poppa

Glenn's two grandsons

On the occasion of his 70th birthday, Glenn Wagner writes a love letter to his two grandsons about seven helpful life lessons he’s learned over seven decades of faith.

Thank you, Miss Nellie and Rev. Broyles

Pastor praying with woman at church

Retired pastor John E. Harnish reflects on how we measure the influence one Sunday school teacher or one caring pastor can have on a person’s life.

Modeling creation care with children

Father picking up two children from school

Here are 10 tips to equip churches and families in their interactions with children about why being caretakers of God’s creation matters.

The Michigan Conference