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Perez begins as DCM October 1

Rev. Paul Perez speaks at an Interfaith Event in Dearborn

The Rev. Paul Perez will assume the role of Michigan Conference Director of Connectional Ministries three months earlier than previously announced.

September 21, 2020 | LANSING, MI — On August 17 Bishop David Bard announced a transition in Michigan Conference leadership. The news was twofold. The Rev. Benton Heisler, current Director of Connectional Ministries (DCM), will retire. The Rev. Paul Perez was named as the new DCM. The effective date was set for January 1, 2021.

In working with both Heisler and Perez on this transition, it became clear that significant Conference tasks for 2021 gather momentum in the fall. Further, Heisler had previously requested a spiritual growth and renewal leave for 2021.

Those things considered, Bishop Bard and the Michigan Conference Human Resources Committee have updated the transition plan for the Director of Connectional Ministries position. This has been done in consultation with both leaders.

Rev. Perez will assume the post of Michigan Conference DCM on October 1, 2020. Using accrued vacation and growth/renewal leave, Rev. Heisler will be available for regular consultation on transition issues, but will stand aside through the end of this year.

All inquires for the Director of Connectional Ministries should be sent to Rev. Perez beginning October 1. He may be reached at [email protected] or 517-347-4030 x4076.

Perez’s current position, Associate Director for Mission and Ministry, will not be filled at this time. Some of the responsibilities of that position will be incorporated into the role of the DCM, while other staff will be caring for some of those responsibilities.

Please keep both Rev. Heisler and Rev. Perez, as well as the Michigan Conference, in your prayers during this transition.

Last Updated on September 28, 2020

The Michigan Conference