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Ministry feature: Justice & Advocacy

Children Pray at migrant center in Tijuana. Advocacy needed.

The website of The Michigan Conference has a large resource section full of creative and practical ideas, programs, and materials. This week we feature what’s available about Justice and Advocacy.

Are you aware that the resource section of  MichiganUMC.org is filled with great tools for ministry? Whether you are a pastor or a lay leader in the local church, you can find people, plans, and pointers for getting the job done in your ministry area.

Each month MIconnect will feature a ministry area to showcase what’s available. Featured in July: Justice and Advocacy.

Currently the Justice and Advocacy page features an extensive list of ways to respond to inhumane treatment of migrant children. There are things to learn, ways to give financial support, and ways to lend a hand.

Recent news stories are revealing the overcrowded, unsanitary, ill-provisioned, and fatal conditions migrants – especially children – are facing in detention centers at the U.S.-Mexico border. Many of these children, families, and adults are asylum seekers, fleeing violence in their home countries.

Other information on the Justice and Advocacy page:

Questions? Contact the Rev. Paul Perez, Associate Director for Mission and Ministry, Michigan Conference.

Last Updated on October 20, 2023

The Michigan Conference