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Meet Grace Okerson, Fearless Fellow

US-2 Grace Okerson

Since 2017 Grace Okerson has served as a Global Mission Fellow in Detroit. Learn about her work at NOAH Project.

In this episode of Fearless Fellows, Grace Okerson, a Global Mission Fellow from Florida, explains how her mission work with some of the homeless population in Detroit has greatly increased her compassion for others.

Grace serves at the NOAH Project as their Bag Lunch and Volunteer Coordinator. The Bag Lunch program serves over 35,000 meals a year. 

YouTube Video

Applications for the 2019-2021 Global Mission Fellow cohort are now open.

Apply to be a Global Mission Fellow today at https://www.umcmission.org/Get-Involv…. Early Access Application Deadline is December 3, 2018. (Applicants who submit by this date will receive an exclusive program resource). Application Deadline is January 7, 2019.

To learn more about and support Grace, visit: https://www.umcmission.org/explore-ou…

The Global Mission Fellows Program is a 2-year mission service opportunity for young adults, ages 20-30, to work in social justice ministries. Fellows leave their home communities and work either in the United States or internationally. This graduate-level fellowship allows participants to address the root causes of oppression and alleviate human suffering alongside community organizations in a variety of issue areas, including public health, migration/immigration, education, and poverty.

Last Updated on January 30, 2024

The Michigan Conference