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Malaria and COVID-19 dual threats

Malaria treatment in Congo


The spread of both COVID-19 nad Malaria is being mitigated around the world by Global Ministries’ Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene facilities.

While people around the world are wearing masks and exercising social distancing to reduce the spread of COVID-19, mosquitos are doing neither!

Every two minutes, a child dies of malaria according to a 2019 study released by the World Health Organization. And at a time when the infectious disease of the coronavirus poses a worldwide danger, the insect-borne disease of Malaria is still at large.

And yet, there are simple and effective interventions for both diseases. Those partnering with the General Board of Global Ministries can give them to the world’s most vulnerable populations.

In over 300 hospitals and clinics, United Methodists are helping to provide essential services in the ongoing fight against malaria and now, COVID-19:

Accessible health facilities staffed by medical professionals

Vaccinations and prenatal care for pregnant women

Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities

Mosquito nets

Masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers

Deaths have been cut in half since 2000 thanks, in part, to efforts such as The United Methodist Church’s Imagine No Malaria campaign. The spread of COVID-19 is being mitigated by Global Ministries’ Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene facilities.

Essential services provided at UMC-partnering health facilities are effective, affordable, and needed now more than ever!

Please make a gift of any size, today, and give Abundant Health to people in need. The Abundant Health initiative of the General Board of Global Ministries is an EngageMI ministry.

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Last Updated on October 23, 2023

The Michigan Conference