On June 1, the Michigan Conference New Start Team is sponsoring a pre-conference dinner with author Jason Moore on hybrid worship engagement.
The Michigan Conference New Start Team is sponsoring a pre-conference dinner with author Jason Moore. His topic will be “7 Ways to Increase Engagement in Your Hybrid Worship.” The dinner event will be held before Annual Conference on Thursday, June 1, from 5:30 to 7:00 pm in the Grand Traverse Resort Tower Ballroom.
Jason Moore is a passionate designer with over two decades of experience creating dynamic resources, coaching, and consulting for churches of all sizes. He began his career at Ginghamsburg UMC, in Tipp City, OH, in the 1990s, and has since become a sought-after trainer, keynote speaker, and author of 12 books.
During the pandemic, Jason shifted his focus to creating groundbreaking webinars on hybrid worship design, which have been used throughout The United Methodist Church and other denominational groups. His latest book, Both/And: Maximizing Hybrid Worship Experiences for In-Person and Online Worship, provides guidance on crafting truly hybrid worship experiences and is an Amazon bestseller.
A burger bar buffet is offered, featuring beef, turkey, and vegetable patties, regular and gluten-free buns, toppings, salads, and dessert. Dinner is $23 and includes a 24% gratuity.
To sign up for dinner, register online (https://miumc.swoogo.com/MIUMC2023) and select “Hamburger Bar.”
If you’ve already registered for Annual Conference, modify your registration by adding the burger bar to your registration, and then pay your balance by credit card.
All selections and payments are due by May 1!
If you have any questions, please email Dirk Elliott at delliott@michiganumc.org.
Last Updated on October 31, 2023