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Retirement Plans

Conference Retirement Plans

Plan for a successful retirement by taking the long-term view. Through Wespath the Michigan Conference offers a plan for retirement investment, and offers an outstanding retirement and savings plans to eligible clergy and lay employees.

To visit Wespath for retirement information go to https://www.wespath.org/retirement-investments.

Click here for the Michigan Conference Steps to Retirement.

The United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) is a retirement plan administered by Wespath Benefits and Investments (Wespath)—the largest denominational pension fund in the world. UMPIP is designed to provide one piece of your overall retirement portfolio.

Click here to learn more about UMPIP.
Click here for the UMPIP contribution election form.

Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP) is a retirement program providing lifetime income and account flexibility designed for those who serve God as clergy of The United Methodist Church.

Click here to learn more about CRSP.

Contact Rev. Joel Walther, Director of Conference Benefits and Coordinator of HR at [email protected] or John Kosten, Benefits Coordinator, at [email protected].

Retirement Plan Eligibility

Clergy and lay employees from the Michigan Conferences may contact Rev Joel Walther, Director of Conference Benefits and Coordinator of HR, at [email protected] to learn about their eligibility for Wespath’s UMPIP and CRSP.


  • For participant contributions: Must be an employee of a United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) plan sponsor.
  • For plan sponsor contributions: Must be an employee of a UMPIP plan sponsor and meet other eligibility criteria determined by the plan sponsor and outlined in the adoption agreement.

Contact Rev Joel Walther, Director and of Conference Benefits and Coordinator of HR, at [email protected] or John Kosten, Benefits Coordinator, at [email protected] to check on your eligibility.

Click here to learn more about UMPIP.

All bishops; most clergy with full-time appointments to The United Methodist Church who are members of annual conferences; and other clergy, as determined by annual conferences, may be eligible for Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP).

Contact Rev Joel Walther, Director of Conference Benefits and Coordinator of HR, at [email protected] or John Kosten, Benefits Coordinator, at [email protected] to check on your eligibility.

Click here for more information about CRSP.

Last Updated on October 20, 2023

The Michigan Conference