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Help with back-to-school

Kids in classroom with paint on hands

Religion News Service reports on how faith-based organizations have mobilized to ready students for the school year just ahead.

Backpack give-aways … free haircuts … mentors … and love … these are some of the ways that people of faith are partnering with their schools. 

According to the National Retail Federation, families with children in elementary through high school will spend an average of $684.79 on back-to-school shopping this year,” says Religion News Service reporter, Bobby Ross, Jr. He continues, “For the poor, buying crayons and pencils, much less shoes and jackets, can be a major financial burden, which has inspired many houses of worship nationwide to get involved.”

TOM Talks at the 2018 Michigan Annual Conference also addressed  ministries with schools and the realities of educational inequality. 

What is your congregation doing to support the schools and scholars in your community?


Last Updated on August 13, 2018

The Michigan Conference