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BBQ goes whole hog with God

Men in kitchen working on bbq

Jarrod Davis says, “I’m pretty sure I learned more about church at a BBQ pit than I did at seminary.” Here are his memories of  Ebenezer UMC in North Carolina.

“All I know to do is to practice the theology I learned at the barbecue pit: show up and work, all of us, together,” says Pastor Jarrod Davis. “Do your part, whatever that part is, because everyone else is depending on you. Sweat together. Talk together. Laugh together. Learn to know and love each other until doing the work together is more important than the pain in your back and feet and arms.”

Davis shares memories of growing up at his “home church,” Ebenezer United Methodist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. He says of the annual fund-raiser hosted by the congregation: “That kind of barbecue, that kind of goodness unleashed on the world, takes time and it takes teamwork.”

READ MORE about the BBQ here.

Jarrod Davis now pastors Center United Methodist Church in Sanford, North Carolina. He blogs at “Creator, Creature, and Collards” … with Forays of Faith featuring Food, Farming, and Fatherhood. 


Last Updated on July 30, 2019

The Michigan Conference