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Generosity Conference August 6-9, 2017


“Giving Freely” is the theme of a Generosity & Stewardship Conference at Lakeside Chautauqua in Ohio (about one hour and 20 minute from Detroit) this summer, August 6-9, 2017.

Cultivating a culture of generosity through stewardship ministry in the church or a religious organization is vital to bringing God’s Kingdom here on earth. Creatively inviting Christians to join a ministry vision is an important challenge, given all the other organizations vying for stewardship dollars.  The conference will award 3 CEUs for full participation. Attendees of the Generosity & Stewardship Conference will learn specific tools for equipping congregations or religious organizations in their ability to go beyond a tithe.

Lakeside will present this conference as an opportunity to support persons desiring lives that reflect God’s call to give freely.

Dynamic keynote speakers are featured:

  1. Rev. Dr. Clayton Smith, serving as Executive Pastor of Generosity and Stewardship at Church of the Resurrection, Leawood, KN
  2. J. Cliff Christopher, President and Founder of Horizons and author of Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship
  3. Bishop Ivan Abrahams, top executive of The World Methodist Council
  4. Michelle Cramer, a fundraising industry veteran with more than two decades of experience and currently serves on the board of The Giving Institute
  5. Rev. Jeffrey Taylor, past president of the National Association of United Methodist Foundations

Conference attendees will network and learn about growing the culture of generosity in their local church or organization. Breakout sessions will be led by a variety of stewardship experts, including Rev. David Bell, President and Executive Director of The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan.

Last Updated on December 29, 2022

The Michigan Conference