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EZRA updates by local churches end Feb. 5

Data entry to EZRA ends

The EZRA Database system will no longer be available for updates after this Friday, February 5. Local church leadership information for 2021 should be entered before that cut-off. 


Michigan Conference Statistician/Database Manager

For the past five years, the Michigan Conference has depended on the EZRA Database system from the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) for local church information and statistical reporting. As of Friday, February 5, we will no longer be using EZRA for this input and local church leaders will be temporarily without access to making updates. 

If your church did not update your leadership information at the end of 2020, you have until this Friday to do so. This is particularly important for the listing of your Lay Member to Annual Conference and other key local church leaders. Please also make sure that the email address for your church is current. Select the Contact Information tab and click Edit.

This summer, the Conference will introduce a new, improved data system and offer training for the local church. In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, or need assistance updating your local church data, please contact your District Office Executive Assistant or email me at pstewart@michiganumc.org.

Last Updated on February 2, 2021

The Michigan Conference