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Church statistics due February 2

Calculator and charts

Annual statistics from local United Methodist churches related to membership, attendance, and finances are due February 2.

Journal makes changes to format, content

Joy Barrett

The Michigan Conference Journal went through format and content updates in this year’s edition, which is now available for download.

Deadlines approach for statistics, AC resolutions

Verifying numbers in a spreadsheet

Annual statistics from Michigan churches are due January 31. Two early February dates are coming up for submitting annual conference resolutions.

Michigan UMs aid storytelling at NCJ

Kiri and Pamela

Three Michigan United Methodists were instrumental in the planning and presentation of the conversation at North Central Jurisdictional Conference on the impact of homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism within The United… Continue Reading Michigan UMs aid storytelling at NCJ

EZRA updates by local churches end Feb. 5

Data entry to EZRA ends

The EZRA Database system will no longer be available for updates after this Friday, February 5. Local church leadership information for 2021 should be entered before that cut-off. 

Some important deadlines from Treasury

Treasury deadlines set for payments and stats

  Deadlines are coming in late December and early January for the payment of 2020 Ministry Shares and the filing of Table 1, 2, and 3 reports. 

The Michigan Conference