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Day of fasting and prayer for Flint

The Leadership Team of the Crossroads District invites the Michigan Area to participate in a time of fasting and prayer as the crisis in Flint continues to unfold.

Calvary United Methodist Church in Flint, 2111 Flushing Road, will host the Prayer Service on Wednesday, February 17th at 6:30 p.m.

The gathering has been organized, Because having done everything else, we stand.  (Ephesians 6:13)

Those who are able and willing are asked to fast during the day on Feb. 17th in preparation for the gathering.  The evening’s liturgy will focus on repentance, reconciliation, and healing. Healing prayer will be offered for any individual who comes in need of it.

Click here for a bulletin insert to use to promote participation.

Here at the beginning of Lent consider what God can do and what God would have the people of the state do at this time.




Last Updated on December 28, 2022

The Michigan Conference