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EngageMI ministry application due

Application open for Engage MI Ministry Partners

Any ministry, new or renewing, that wishes to be included in the partner listing of EngageMI 2022 should submit its application to the Conference Board of Global Ministries before February 28, 2022.

The Michigan Conference Board of Global Ministries has announced that applications are now open for ministries wishing to become partners with EngageMI

Alice Fleming Townley, Conference Mission and Justice Coordinator, explains that there are now two applications.

  • Full Application includes questions about the mission, activities, financial records, board of directors, United Methodist connections, and more. Form here.
  • Abbreviated Application is for projects that relate regularly to a Michigan Conference board or division for support and accountability. (For example, the Wesley Foundations evaluated each summer by the Division of Higher Education and Campus Ministry.) Form here.

All new and renewing projects that want to be included in EngageMI Conference listings must fill out the appropriate form and return to Alice Fleming Townley by February 28, 2022. Email to [email protected] or mail to Rev. Alice Fleming Townley,1011 Northcrest Road, Lansing, MI 48906.

The Conference Board of Global Ministries will make determinations for inclusion in EngageMI Ministry Partners by April 1.

Only projects the Conference BGM reviews and approves will be included in the upcoming book and updated website. If there is a smaller, more local mission project that a district would also like to promote, they might consider including it as a district project. The book will direct congregations to district leaders and websites for information on district projects.      

The Conference BGM hopes to update EngageMI information on the Michigan Conference website on an ongoing basis and release a new book every other year. They are working towards releasing the next EngageMI book at Annual Conference 2022.

Last Updated on September 21, 2022

The Michigan Conference