Tag: EngageMI
The calming waterfall
Temba Nkomozepi, an EngageMI Ministry Partner, describes the sights and sounds of being an agricultural missionary at Mujila Falls Agriculture Center in Zambia.
EngageMI reports due January 10
Mission leaders for EngageMI churches are asked to submit their 2024 EngageMI report by January 10, 2025.
Mefors improve care at Old Mutare Hospital
PART E: MISSION PERSONNEL — Dr. Emmanuel Mefor is a physican and surgeon on staff of Old Mutare Hospital in Zimbabwe. His wife Florence is a nurse and midwife at work in the maternity ward. They are coming to Michigan in October 2024. Continue Reading Mefors improve care at Old Mutare Hospital
Port Huron ministry opens doors wide
PART B: Michigan Projects — The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center is bringing the love of Jesus to those in their community by meeting unmet needs. Continue Reading Port Huron ministry opens doors wide
Give generously to EngageMI partners
On Giving Tuesday, December 3, choose to support our EngageMI Ministry Partners. Several of them have special incentives for this global day of giving.
Honoring Native American heritage
Here are 8 suggestions for congregations, individuals, and families to celebrate and undergird our indigenous communities in Michigan.
Port Huron ministry opens doors wide
The Blue Water Free Store and Ministry Center, an EngageMI Ministry Partner in Port Huron, is bringing the love of Jesus to those in their community by meeting unmet needs.
Ways kids can celebrate World Communion
PART D: International — Children’s book author Glenys Nellist offers five ideas for helping children celebrate World Communion Sunday on October 6. Continue Reading Ways kids can celebrate World Communion
NOMADS are doers of the word and the work
PART C – NATIONAL: NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations. Continue Reading NOMADS are doers of the word and the work
Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people
PART E–MISSION PERSONNEL: “Every encounter I have with another person, is an opportunity for Christ to work through me,” says Helen Roberts-Evans, former EngageMI ministry partner in Liberia, now retired. Continue Reading Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people