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EngageMI invites projects to apply

Children serve lunch at NOAH Project in downtown Detroit.


EngageMI is looking ahead to the next year in ministry and mission. March 11 is the deadline for conference projects to apply for inclusion in the 2020 EngageMI guidebook.


EngageMI is accepting applications for Christ-Centered Mission and Ministry Projects in the Michigan Conference. Application are due March 11, 2019.

EngageMI is the mission giving engagement program for the Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church. EngageMI challenges Michigan Conference congregations to comprehensive missional learning, giving and action with the goal of encouraging congregations to shift from transactional “ministry to” models to relational “ministry with” vulnerable people and communities. More information can be found at: michiganumc.org/engage-mi.

The Michigan Conference’s Board of Global Ministries promotes local, national, and international projects and mission personnel, among them are Conference Christ Centered Mission and Ministry (CCMM) Projects, United Methodist-related mission and ministry projects located in Michigan. You can find a complete list of current projects here: https://michiganumc.org/missions/ministry-partners/.

Download an application form here for more information about criteria to become a Conference CCMM Project and the selection process.

Questions? Contact The Rev. Paul Perez, pperez@michiganumc.org.

Last Updated on October 23, 2023

The Michigan Conference