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News out of East Lansing

The 2016 Annual Conference is over but daily reports and videos are available for those across Michigan.
The campus of Michigan State University was a happening place for the United Methodists in the Michigan Area June 8-13, 2016.

Here are your links to the AC Daily News

Videos will be featured as they are made available at vimeo.com. View, download or share now these two featured videos now:

Prior to Conference Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey Dsaid, “What an historic day this is! For the first time, our two annual conferences will be meeting together and sharing in worship, in times of learning, in ordination, and fellowship.”

She called the June 9 combined session a “day many have been dreaming about for years.”

The dream is now a history.

A comprehensive wrap-up of the entire 2016 Annual Conference will appear in the June 22 edition of MIConnect. Stay tuned.


Last Updated on June 14, 2016

The Michigan Conference