Category: Voices
‘The earth is the Lord’s’
When it comes to creation, the Rev. John Hice calls for mindfulness, saying, “Can’t we often ask ourselves, ‘How does this thing I’m doing help or hurt God’s earth?’”
NCJ Conf takes bold steps forward
In the spirit of Isaiah, the Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai, chief connectional officer of The UMC, reflects on the covenant made by the delegates to the North Central Jurisdictional Conference.
May we all feel at home
Reflecting on the church home we choose or are adopted into, the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Browne imagines the future of the continuing United Methodist Church and emerging denominations.
Wespath does values-based investing
Wespath, the United Methodist Church’s pension agency, emphasizes getting the best returns for its stakeholders and supporting the denomination’s Social Principles.
UMW urge action on climate issues
National United Methodist Women issued a statement urging Biden’s administration and Congress to take action addressing the climate emergency.
Grateful for grace as ‘second wind’
Bishop David Bard reflects on Paul’s words to the Thessalonians, “Rejoice always.” He notes, “much of the time, that’s much harder than we think.” That’s where God’s grace enters in.
Church called to be safe space
“The church should be inviting and safe for people to come as they are,” says Alan Whitley. Mental health and faith belong together.
We face a new frontier
Today, says the Rev. Dr. Margie Crawford, “We are being asked to see ourselves, our faith, and our relationship with our Lord in a different way.”
Time to support our pastors
“How can we support our pastors and clergy leaders?” asks the Rev. Jennifer Browne. She suggests three things to do during Clergy Appreciation Month.
MI Conference following God’s lead
This is the third of three in a series of blogs by the Rev. Paul Perez, Director of Connectional Ministry for The Michigan Conference. He addresses the Strategic Directions of… Continue Reading MI Conference following God’s lead