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Connexion intern program begins second year

Young adults being trained

The Michigan Conference seeks ministry sites interested in having a young adult intern this summer. Deadline for ministry sites to apply is March 1, and the deadline for interns is… Continue Reading Connexion intern program begins second year

Lifelong faith cohorts begin January 30

Diverse group of people

Three new lifelong faith cohorts designed for a broad audience begin soon: an online book study on The Anxious Generation, a cohort exploring tools and strategies for adapting to evolving… Continue Reading Lifelong faith cohorts begin January 30

King’s dream feels heavy

MLK monument

Rev. Kevin Smalls reflects on why the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. feels heavy this year and why we cannot lose heart as we continue to fight hard to… Continue Reading King’s dream feels heavy

‘Gold Star’ pantry rebuilds and finds support

Food pantry volunteers packing boxes

Thanks to a grant made possible by Human Relations Day offerings, Southfield: Hope UMC’s clothing closet and food pantry ministry enhanced what they could offer clients.

Start the year with the Holy Spirit

Dove symbolizes Holy Spirit

The Rev. Paul Perez says, “I’m not a fan of January.” He turns to scripture and finds words of grace that lift the spirit. “You are one of God’s beloveds… Continue Reading Start the year with the Holy Spirit

UMW’s new wineskins for new times

New wineskins for UMW

“We are making new wine and new wineskins to fulfill our role in God’s mission,” says Yvette Moore, a leader in the global United Methodist Women.

Conferences plan hybrid events

Themes of several conferences

Race and LGBTQ inclusiveness are among top issues on the agenda of virtual annual conferences taking place across the U.S. and around the world.

AC 2021 offering will change lives

HAPI to receive 45% of conference offering

There is no actual offering plate at a virtual annual conference. However, Michigan United Methodists are invited to make contributions that will support our covenant partners in Haiti and Liberia.

New life through healthy transitions

Transitions can have thorny spots

Appointments are being made. Transitions are beginning. This virtual workshop on April 17, 10 am to noon, will help pastors and congregational leadership prepare for healthy goodbyes and hellos.

Thoughts on choosing vaccination

Vaccination and lab tech

Noting that people’s responses to COVID-19 vaccination fall on a spectrum, the Rev. Paul Perez plans to be vaccinated and encourages others to do so, too.

The Michigan Conference