Category: Featured
UMCOR hanging tough, moving forward

For the past year, natural disasters have run concurrently with coronavirus, complicating rescue and recovery efforts. UMCOR head Roland Ferdandes says, “The struggles in some ways brought people closer together.”
A look back at 2020

This month-by-month review of 2020 in The Michigan Conference reports many challenges of COVID-19. It also tells the story of how God’s people met those challenges with determination and grace.
Finding hope in the darkness

“When the time is the darkest, that is when the light of hope is the strongest,” says the Rev. John Boley. Advent 2020 is time to reflect on the difference… Continue Reading Finding hope in the darkness
Native American Ministries celebrated

There are eight Native American churches in Michigan that sink their roots deep into Methodist heritage. They stretch from Bradley and Salem in the south to Zeba in the north.
AC 2020 to be rescheduled

The 2020 Michigan Annual Conference has been postponed and registration has been suspended. The session will be rescheduled soon. Here’s what to do now according to AC planners.
Coping and caring through change

The Rev. Paul Perez says, “The good news is, church is never canceled.” He lists opportunities for caring and connecting with the vulnerable, including oneself.
Michigan continues response to GC 2019

Three weeks have passed since the delegates returned home from St. Louis. In the meantime, Michigan United Methodists join others across the connection in responding to actions of GC 2019.
Muskegon Methodist family unites

Since February 2017, these four churches in greater Muskegon have been coming together to celebrate historic ties and move forward in faithful witness. They are living their love through action.
Power in the pew

Michigan Conference Lay Leader Anne Soles explores the complexities of how The United Methodist Church can make connections with today’s seekers.
First impressions reflect Christ

What do disciples do? In this month’s Home Words Bound, Rev. Benton Heisler, Director of Connectional Ministry, explains how important first impressions are, in the church and in the community.