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Puerto Rico bishop hopeful

Bishop Hector Ortiz is confident Puerto Rico’s future is bright as recovery from Hurricane Maria continues.

Almost five months since two Category 5 hurricanes – Irma and Maria – made landfall in Puerto Rico, Bishop Hector Ortiz of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico was in San Antonio, telling the church’s story of recovery response to the devastation.

Ortiz met with United Methodist Church leaders to share how the church is setting up the infrastructure to receive volunteer teams that wish to come and be part of the rebuilding process.

A third of the population still does not have electricity and over 300,000 people have left Puerto Rico for the U.S. mainland. Upwards of 30 Methodist churches in Puerto Rico were damaged. READ MORE in this Rio Texas Conference report. 


FOR MORE: a 10-member work team from Grand Rapids First United Methodist Church returned home from Puerto Rico on March 10.

Last Updated on November 2, 2023

The Michigan Conference