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Remembering Dr. King

Bishop David A. Bard shares in celebration of the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

APRIL 4, 2018 — Fifty years ago today, an assassin’s bullet cut short the remarkable life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On April 4, 1968 our country lost a leader who called us to live out our most cherished ideals, our world lost a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and the Christian community lost a man who reminded us that racism is antithetical to biblical religion.

Like many, my faith has been deepened and enriched by Dr. King’s life and writings, his encouragement to cultivate the strength to love and his penetrating question, “where do we go from here?” The cadence of his voice echoes in my soul articulating a dream, calling us to be drum majors for justice and peace, inviting us to a mountaintop from where we can view a better world.

Personal visits to Montgomery and to the United States Civil Rights Museum, which incorporates the Lorraine Motel where King was killed have not only been journeys into history, but have had the quality of spiritual pilgrimages. Today I join with millions in remembering Dr. King. Today I invite us to pray. Today I enjoin us to recommit ourselves to the work of justice, righteousness and peace, including the work of overcoming the racism which still remains too embedded in our social structures and the racial prejudice with yet afflicts our souls.

Last Updated on April 3, 2018

The Michigan Conference