Author: DeMoss
Jim Britt
From: Heritage District — Lambertville UMC/Retirement … To: Central Bay District — Hale UMC. This half-time appointment begins July 1, 2022.
Wespath assures security of benefits
Andy Hendren, CEO of Wespath, the benefits and investment agency of The United Methodist Church, states, “Wespath is ready to support you through any changes.”
Churches urge action on shootings
According to the Gun Violence Archive, the U.S. has seen 202 mass shootings this year so far. United Methodists are responding to killing in New York and California.
Bay Shore expands camp experiences
Bay Shore Camp & Family Ministries now hosts off-site Traveling Day Camps as well as activities for all ages at two sites, one in Sebewaing and the other in Gagetown.
What I’ve noticed about ministry
The Rev. Jon Reynolds shares his top ten observations from his first decade in ministry. He encourages others to respond to God’s call.
One thing they have in common
What do mass shooters have in common? The Rev. Jack Harnish notes that most are white males targeting racial minorities. He adds, “In the long run, I have to believe… Continue Reading One thing they have in common
AC 2022 supports Children's Village
The partnership between the Michigan and Liberia conferences will be celebrated at the 2022 Annual Conference. Jon Reynolds provides an update on how our dollars make a difference in Liberia.… Continue Reading AC 2022 supports Children's Village
Thanks to United Methodist Mom
The Rev. Paul Perez talks about “the heart and hope” of United Methodism through the life of his mom and growing up years in Newburg UMC in Livonia.
S. Africa’s Bishop Storey visits Michigan
Bishop Peter Storey, one of the world’s significant Christian leaders, encouraged efforts to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world during a recent visit in Michigan.
COVID heroes care for students
The COVID pandemic began in March of 2020 and schools have not been the same since. Four United Methodist educators share how their lives have been affected. The second of… Continue Reading COVID heroes care for students