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AC 2022 supports Children's Village

Children at the Village in Liberia

The partnership between the Michigan and Liberia conferences will be celebrated at the 2022 Annual Conference. Jon Reynolds provides an update on how our dollars make a difference in Liberia.

Michigan Conference Communications

As Michigan is finally seeing spring weather breathe life into the air, the Annual Conference is gearing up for the gathering in Traverse City June 2-4. Liberia Ministry Partners Chair Jon Reynolds provided an inside scoop on the latest news from the Liberia Conference.

Reynolds expressed the Liberia Conferences continues hard work to grow the church’s presence and witness in Liberia.

“They are launching new churches, ordaining many new clergy, reaching new people, and casting a big vision for the future of the church,” Reynolds said.

Reynolds added the Liberia Conference is also developing new schools and health clinics.


At the Michigan Annual Conference, a special offering will be taken for the Liberia Conference, Michigan's Covenant Partner in Haiti, and disaster relief.

“Liberia's share of the ingathering money will go to the Bishop Judith Craig Children’s Village in Liberia,” Reynolds said. “The village cares for about 70 orphans.” Robert N. Sieh, Sr. serves as the director of the orphanage.

Reynolds explained that this year’s offering will put food on the table for the children at the Village. He said the money will also help pay the salaries of house mothers who care for the village children.

As this offering makes a difference in the lives of these children in Liberia, the importance of the relationship between the Michigan Conference and the Liberia Conference is demonstrated.

“The Covenant Partnership between Michigan and Liberia maintains a connection between our conferences for bi-directional learning,” Reynolds said. “We are fortunate enough to hear about the faith and vision of our siblings in Liberia."

The Covenant maintains a partnership in ministry that opens up opportunities for churches in the Michigan Area to invest in ministries in Liberia through missional relationships. These projects include the Water for Life Program, a vision to provide safe drinking water to everyone in Liberia. 

Reynolds said that the Michigan-Liberia partnership has also supported pastors and provided scholarships for students in Liberia.

“In addition, we are supportive of rural agricultural programs that provide sustainable incomes to people in rural communities,” Reynolds said.

Overall, the partnership between the Michigan Conference and Liberia Conference facilitates an environment for sharing knowledge, resources, and most importantly, God’s precious teachings.

Last Updated on May 9, 2023

The Michigan Conference