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AC2021 registration now open

AC2021 will be virtual

The Michigan Annual Conference will be virtual again this year. AC2021 will be online June 3-6. All members of the Annual Conference may register between March 1 and April 15.

AC 2021 June schedule

Where do we find ourselves in the second year of a once-a-century pandemic? Join us as we celebrate how the church has carried on as our sanctuaries closed. Learn about new ministries and ways to serve the Lord in this nominal time. Discern new challenges, feed your soul, while learning how to sing the Lord’s song in a strange land (Psalm 137:4).

The 2021 Annual Conference will expand online offerings including a re-imagined Laity Event, multiple inspirational and worship experiences, legislative and teaching sessions, and mission day opportunities. Due to anticipated continuing COVID health recommendations, the Service of Recognition, Commissioning, and Ordination is expected to be recorded at another time and shared on Sunday, June 13.

The Rev. Dr. Cynthia A. Wilson, Executive Director of Worship Resources at United Methodist Discipleship Ministries will lead teaching and preaching sessions at this year’s conference. She heads the denominational effort to develop resources and training with a primary focus on music, liturgy, and preaching. Prior to joining the staff of Discipleship Ministries, Dr. Wilson served as Assistant Vice-President of Student Life and Dean of Students at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. At Garrett-Evangelical, she launched the Center for Music and Worship in the Black Church Experience, a one-of-a-kind North American Institute that provides training in the sacred music of the Black Church and beyond for musicians and worship leaders.

Essential business of the Annual Conference will be conducted via ZOOM Webinar. Registration is required for all voting members between March 1 and April 15, 2021.  Full details are on the Annual Conference website. Don’t delay, registration started Monday, March 1st.

Note … for those who are not members of the Michigan Annual Conference, sessions of AC2021 will be available by livestream.

Read instructions for AC2021

Register now for AC2021

Last Updated on September 20, 2022

The Michigan Conference