Tag: Michigan Annual Conference
Conference embraces fearless spirit

On the heels of a historic General Conference, United Methodists embrace a fearless spirit of renewed mission and ministry at the 2024 Michigan Annual Conference.
Blessed by Grace

Revisit Rev. Grace Imathiu’s inspiring messages from this year’s Michigan Annual Conference and then utilize the brand-new discussion guides for small groups.
AC 2023 finds assurance amid troubles

Despite challenging business matters, messages of assurance and hope for renewal shaped the 2023 Michigan Annual Conference, held June 2-4 in Acme, MI.
AC looks at Vision with new eyes

Bold & Effective Leaders. Vibrant Congregations. Ministry and Mission. These Christ-centered aspects of the Michigan Conference’s vision inspired conference members to embrace their story.
Looking for the one true Church

In his Cabinet Report to the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference, the Rev. Dr. Jerome DeVine asserts that scripture and history demonstrate, “No one expression of the Church is the ‘one… Continue Reading Looking for the one true Church
A coach offers words of encouragement

Three phrases from a high school track coach have stuck with Paul Perez over the years. Here’s how they apply to the Michigan Annual Conference.
AC endorses Kennetha Bigham-Tsai

The Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai was endorsed for episcopal election by the Michigan Annual Conference on June 3, 2022. The next North Central Jurisdictional Conference will meet on November 2-5, 2022.
Watch for EngageMI books and buttons

There are familiar projects and some new ministry partners in the EngageMI 2022-2023 books to be introduced at Annual Conference and mailed to churches soon.
On the move for hungry children

Almost two million families, including 552,000 children face food insecurity in Michigan. The 6th Annual Michigan Conference 5K will raise dollars for this good cause.
Let’s get missional at AC 2022

There are five ways to support mission during the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference. Make a difference in the state and around the world.