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Guide to 2020 Virtual AC is in the mail

Joy Barrett, Bishop, and John Boley

You’ve got mail! If you are a member of the 2020 Michigan Annual Conference, you will receive a packet this week with all you need to prepare for the session coming July 26-28, 2020.

AC 2020 materials were mailed to Clergy and Lay Members first-class on Monday, July 13. The mailing includes a Program Guide, a ballot, and an envelope to return that ballot for tabulation. It is expected that Members should receive this mailing by July 18.

The Virtual Annual Conference will take place over three days, July 26-28.

  • Opening Worship is on Sunday, July 26, 7:00 pm.
  • Business and Reporting takes place on Monday, July 27. Opening devotions begin at 9:30 am; Session 1 runs 10:00 am to 12:30 pm; Session 2 runs 1:30-4:00 pm; the day ends at 4:30 following a worship service.
  • Clergy Session is scheduled for Tuesday, July 28, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.

Here’s a preview of the critical information that will enable Members’ full participation.


Those Conference Members who already registered to participate in the 2020 Virtual  AC must now register for the ZOOM Webinar or Telephone Connection that enables direct participation in the online sessions held on Sunday, July 26 (Worship) and Monday, July 27 (Business). 

  •  Register for ZOOM by July 24 following the link emailed to you.  When you register you will receive an email with an online link to attend the worship and business sessions by ZOOM. Later, you will receive email reminders the day and hour before those Sunday and Monday sessions. 
  • It is possible to connect by phone. However, those on the telephone will be unable to ask questions. So, if you cannot access the internet at home and connect via ZOOM, you are encouraged to find a place where you can do so. Those who plan to connect by phone do not need to take the steps, noted above, to register for ZOOM. To connect by phone for Sunday or Monday session, call: 1-408-638-0968.


Clergy Members and Lay Members of the Board of Ordained Ministry must also register for a secure ZOOM call for the Clergy Session on Tuesday. Register for ZOOM by July 24 following the link emailed to you.   Voting at Clergy Session can only be done on ZOOM (no telephone option). You will receive reminder emails the day and hour before the session. 


Conference Members are asked to read all materials before attending the Virtual Annual Conference.

Please attend one of two 30-minute online practice sessions. Those unfamiliar with ZOOM will learn how to ask questions, get tech support, and vote.

  •  Register  to attend training on Wednesday, July 22, 7:00 pm by following the link emailed to you.  
  •  Register to attend training on Sunday, July 26, 4:00 pm by following the link emailed to you.

Very important: If you are a voting Member of Annual Conference, make sure a ballot (pages 35-36) and return envelope came to you in the mailing. Voting will NOT be done electronically. You will cast your votes on this two-page ballot and send it in the mail for tabulation. If you do not receive these items in the mail by July 20, contact the Annual Conference Registrar Sarah Vollmer at svollmer@michiganumc.org or 517-347-4030, ext. 4081.


Observers can watch Opening Worship on Sunday and the Business of Annual Conference on Monday at Facebook.com/MichiganUMC and on the Michigan Conference website 2020.MichiganUMC.org. Voting is not possible through either of these platforms.

Last Updated on July 20, 2020

The Michigan Conference