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Resources to help plan Advent 2021

Lighting Advent wreath

The Christian Year ends with Christ the King Sunday on November 21. Then comes Advent! Here are dozens of activities, ideas, and resources to guide your planning for all ages.

The season of Advent derives from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit.” This season of anticipation begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. This year, Advent starts on November 28. During Advent, we prepare for, and anticipate, the coming of Christ. Planning for the season is now underway in local churches. 

The Michigan Conference has created and curated resources that can be used by families and congregations in their journey to Christmas.

This year the Advent Resource Page features “Staff Picks.” Michigan Conference staff share songs, books, curriculum, stories, devotionals, and traditions that have been meaningful for them. We hope they bring you some hope, joy, and new understanding, too.

There are resources to use in worship:

  • Reimagine Advent, from the General Commission on Religion and Race
  • A Blue Christmas prayer service, from the Upper Room
  • Come Home for Christmas, from the Board of Discipleship
  • Christmas Eve Pageant scripts for Christmas Eve
  • A Christmas Around the World script is coming soon
  • A listing of books for children
  • For Sunday, December 26: a Lessons and Carols Service will be available in October and a fully recorded service will be online in November.
  • A Christmas greeting from Bishop Bard is coming in November
  • and more!

Resources for faith formation:

  • Dozens of Advent/Christmas activities for families
  • A ToolBox full of ministry ideas for the church
  • Advent and Christmas in a Box kits
  • Reverse Advent Calendars that share God’s love with others
  • Online and print countdown calendars
  • Creche-sharing ideas
  • Christmas Tree blessing
  • and more!

A statewide social media campaign:
Targeted Facebook ads will run Dec. 20-24. These are designed to make those in your community aware of your Christmas and Christmas Eve Services. Click here to make sure your church is on the list.

This collection of activities, outreach, and liturgical resources will help make for a more meaningful Advent and Christmas season for churches, families, and communities around The Michigan Conference. 

Last Updated on November 5, 2021

The Michigan Conference