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God surprises us

Summer in hand

A mother shares how her prayers for healing of her infant son were answered with a miracle.

United Methodist Communications


I’ve heard people describe miracles like a lightning bolt, instant, dramatic, so stunning you blink not sure what you saw, but that has not been my experience.  In the hours after our son was born, he suffered a massive stroke that paralyzed his entire right side.  It was five days before he was even stable enough for the doctors to run all the necessary tests to determine what had happened, and once they knew, the prognosis was dire.

Standing in a hospital alcove, the doctor shared that our little Lukas would likely never walk or talk and that he would be significantly impaired.

We chose not to believe that and instead prayed that God could somehow heal him. I admit that the healing I prayed for in those first horrible days is not what we have seen. I wanted that instant, lightning bolt kind of change. But what we have received over these past twelve years is more like a gentle rain, steady, restorative and sometimes messy.

Against all odds … read more.

Last Updated on April 3, 2017

The Michigan Conference