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A Christian looks at Islamic extremism

Following several deadly weeks of ISIS activity worldwide, consider a Christian perspective from Adam Hamilton.

The Rev. Adam Hamilton, Lead pastor of Church of the Resurrection, shares a sermon and study guide focused on Islamic extremism.

Hamilton says, “Fighting ISIS at home means actually showing what it means to be Christians. It means to love our neighbor. It means to go out of our way to express hospitality, care and welcome to the Muslim. It means to seek to bless them. It includes assuming the best and not the worst of them…”

A perplexing development is that an increasing number of ISIS’ victims are themselves Muslim.

“Let’s not be who ISIS says we are, but instead to be the Christians Christ calls us to be,” Hamilton insists. “In doing so we live those famous words of Dr. King, ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. And hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.’”

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Last Updated on October 27, 2023

The Michigan Conference