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Forums on vitality

Beginning Tuesday, December 1, a video will be posted each week that that explores how engaging in the Four Areas of Focus (ministry with the poor, improving global health, developing principled Christian leaders, and creating new and renewed congregations) creates vital congregations.

Bishop Sally Dyck, bishop of the Northern Illinois Annual Conference and leader of the Vital Congregations collaboration group, along with the General Board of Global Ministries’ General Secretary Thomas Kemper, and Bishop Rodolfo Alfonso Juan of the Manila Episcopal Area will serve as the voices guiding the conversation on this topic.

The Connectional Table invites anyone who is interested in the topic to participate via Twitter by using the hashtag #CTTalks.

Week 1: Bishop Sally Dyck and Thomas Kemper explore how vital congregations become places where making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world takes place.

Week 2: The four areas of focus are a part of our historical identity. Naming them helps us focus on ways we can live them out in our diverse contexts.

Last Updated on December 8, 2015

The Michigan Conference