Applications for the Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader Award are due February 28.

The Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader Award was established by action of the Board of Directors of the Foundation upon Dr. Barrett’s retirement as President and Executive Director.
The purpose of this award is to honor up to six United Methodist congregations across the Michigan Area for their exemplary stewardship ministry and culture of generosity.
Qualified applicants must submit an application prior to February 28th of the year in which they are to be considered for the award. Applications are available online at Award recipients must meet a number of eligibility requirements including:
- Have funds invested in the UMF Collective Investment Funds of Michigan LLC
- Have contributed 100% of its conference ministry shares for the previous year and be current in contributions for the present fiscal year
- Demonstrate a collaborative relationship between the pastor and laity in providing leadership in the area of financial stewardship
- Articulate a clearly defined mission and vision for the church
- Adhere to the financial procedures and protocol as defined in the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, including but not limited to:
- Socially responsible investing
- Annual financial review
- Cash management
- IRS-compliant donor contribution statements
- Provide an advance indication of their intent for the awarded funds’ usage
Click here for a pdf with more information and the application form.
Last Updated on February 27, 2018