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Youth invited on the bus to Orlando


Jeffrey Roberts (r) , a teen active in the youth group at Redford Aldersgate UMC, had a great time at YOUTH2011 and now looks forward to Youth2015. He encourages kids across Michigan to join him on the bus heading to Orlando on June 23.     KAY DeMOSS
Senior Editor-Writer, Michigan Area

He washed feet. He met someone from the Philippines. He enjoyed being part of flash mobs around the campus. But his favorite memory took place in a food court on the way home from Indiana, “when we were sitting and talking and bonding. Our three different youth groups became one.”

Meet Jeffrey Roberts, a member of the youth group at Redford Aldersgate United Methodist Church. Now a high school sophomore, he was in middle school when he attended YOUTH2011at Purdue University. Asked, “What are you doing with the clay?” Jeffrey (at right in the above photo) answered, “We were working together to make a clay holder like people in Africa might make to carry their water. It was fun!”

Four years later

And now Jeffrey is ready to do it all again and he hopes other youth from across the Michigan Area will get on the bus along with him come June. The General Board of Discipleship is once again hosting a global youth rally. Youth2015 will be held in Orlando, FL, June 24-28, 2015.

Open to grades 7-12, the price for the event is $450 through the end of March ($105 deposit required at registration). “Go On” is the theme for the concerts, workshops, mission opportunities, service opportunities, and recreation activities like a pool, basketball, and volleyball. Full details and registration can be found on the Youth 2015 website.    Travel plans   Jeffrey’s trip to Purdue was facilitated by his youth director, Bridget Nelson. Bridget is still his youth leader but she is also the Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Detroit Conference. Working alongside the Rev. Anita Hahn, Bridget is organizing busses that will take youth from both conferences south to Florida on June 23. Busses will converge in Redford that morning from boarding sites in Caledonia, Port Huron, and Midland.  “I am excited,” Bridget notes, “that Bishop Deb will be in Redford for worship and a send-off.”   Right now 141 persons are registered. There’s room for 100 more. When registering on the Youth 2015 site, participants will receive a confirmation number. Using that confirmation number, a seat on the bus can be arranged by going to http://MotownMission.org/y15busses. Thanks to donations from the Detroit Conference, districts and the Detroit United Methodist Union, the bus ride is free for DAC youth. The West Michigan Conference is still considering the cost of the bus for WMC riders.   On Sunday, busses will drive to the Magic Kingdom or Universal Studios for some hours of fun. Arrival back home in Michigan is expected Monday night. “It’s like a carpool,” Bridget explains. “Each church is responsible for their group and the ratio of adults to teens.”   High caliber event   Like Jeffrey, this will be the second youth rally of its kind for Bridget. “The event expects to attract 10,000 participants,” Bridget notes. “This is an opportunity for kids and their leaders to become aware of the huge connection they are part of. It’s an eye-opening experience for all, especially for those attending small youth groups at home.”   Bridget knows that some youth groups must make a choice between Youth2015 and their annual summer mission trip. “This event is good enough to skip your work trip to attend,” she advises.   There are two groups registered from the Upper Peninsula. “That means two extra days of travel,” Bridget says, “and that’s awesome.” Midland First UMC is offering accommodation for those who wish to sleep over.   Jeffrey is grateful to Bridget and others who are making Youth2015 open to him and his friends, old and new. “It is all about being a follower of Jesus and helping other people,” Jeffrey relates. He has this to say to every young person in Michigan: “Youth2015 will be an experience you won’t find anywhere else, so give it a shot. Afterwards you’ll remember it every second and will want to go back.”
  For more information email Bridget Nelson, [email protected].


Last Updated on February 2, 2024

The Michigan Conference