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Why Children’s Sabbath?

Celebrating Children’s Sabbath reminds us in powerful ways to whom the Kingdom of God belongs.

Glenys Nellist
‘Love Letters from God’

Eight easy ideas to include in Children’s Sabbath:

  1. Have a child design the bulletin.
  2. Use the Call to Worship included in this post.
  3. Have children read the scripture.
  4. Invite them to extend their hands during prayers of blessing.
  5. Have children lead the benediction, ‘Go in peace to love and serve the Lord’ in sign language.
  6. Let children serve communion.
  7. Decorate the altar with balloons and toys.
  8. Before the service begins, hand musical instruments out to every child and invite them to play along whenever music is heard.

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Last Updated on May 11, 2016

The Michigan Conference