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Who is who at Treasury

Trying to make sense of the dollars and cents of the Michigan Area? Here’s a list of who can help.

The Treasurer & Benefits Offices of The Michigan Area introduce their combined staff so that church leaders may know who to call and how to reach them.

David Dobbs
Conference Treasurer and Director of Administrative Services
Phone Numbers: (810) 233-5500 ext.1350 or Cell: (810) 444-1725
Email: ddobbs@michiganumc.org

The Conference Treasurer’s duties include receiving and disbursing remittances from local churches, conference members, and other agencies. They are also responsible for financial reports and for providing financial counsel and guidance to local churches and districts. Responsibilities of the Director of Administrative Services include office management, property management, and technology services.

If these are your questions, call David Dobbs …

  • What if my Ministry Shares need to be re-calculated?
  • What if my church is in a financial crisis?
  • What if my church is closing?

Don Emmert – Conference Benefits Officer
Phone Numbers: (810) 233-5500 ext 1353 or Cell: (810) 444-1725
Email: demmert@michiganumc.org

The Conference Benefits Officer (CBO) oversees all benefits related to annual conference clergy, conference staff, and employees of related agencies. This includes Retirement Plans (Pension), Welfare Plans (Disability and Death), Conference Health Care Plans, and Conference Payrolls.

If these are your questions, call Don Emmert …

  • What if I have a change regarding dependents on my health care plan?
  • What if I have a question regarding my benefits, either now or in the future?
  • What if I have questions how an appointment beyond the local church or in another conference might affect my benefits in retirement?
  • What if I have questions about the Detroit Conference health care or pension apportionment billings?
  • What if there is a death in a clergy family?

Becky Emmert – Operations Manager of Treasury and Benefits

Phone Number: (810) 233-5500 ext 1352
Email: bemmert@michiganumc.org

The Operations Manager’s duties include the operational management of the Treasury and Benefits staff. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations, the operational efficiency, the work flow administration, and the customer service of the staff. They also coordinate schedules and appointments for both the Treasury and Benefits departments.

If these are your questions, contact Becky Emmert…

  • What if I do not know who to call in Treasury?
  • What if I need to make an appointment with someone in Treasury or Benefits?
  • What if I have a customer service concern?

Jennifer Gertz – EZRA Specialist and Administrative Assistant to Executive Administrator
Phone Number: (810) 233-5500 ext 1370
Email: jgertz@michiganumc.org

The EZRA Specialist person is responsible for all issues pertaining to the EZRA system. This includes inputting information and training Conference, District and Local Church personnel in using the EZRA system. The administrative assistant is responsible for the basic administrative work for both Treasury and the Benefit’s departments.

If these are your questions, call Jennifer Gertz …

  • What if I need benefits forms?
  • What if I need to reset my password in Ezra?
  • What If I need to enter leadership in the Ezra Church Dashboard?
  • What if I need mailing labels?
  • What if I have an Ezra question?

 Chad Lundy – Accountant
Phone Number: (810) 233-5500 ext 1239
Email: clundy@michiganumc.org

The Accountant is the person responsible for the processing of general ledger reports, general ledger processing, and any other general ledger duties for both conferences. They are responsible for receipting of miscellaneous receivables for the West Michigan Conference.

If these are your questions, contact Chad Lundy …

  • What if I need a detailed transaction list or trial balance for a specific account?
  • What if I need a budget status report?
  • When are my reports going to be ready?
  • Can I set up my Ministry Shares as an ACH (Automated Clearing House)?
  • Has my ACH been submitted?

Nancy Wyllys – Accounts Payable
Phone Number: (810) 233-5500 ext 1351
Email: nwyllys@michiganumc.org

The Accounts Payable person is responsible for inputting all invoices and producing the payables checks for both conferences. They are also responsible for producing credit card bills and inputting the credit card reports into general ledger. They are responsible for producing general ledger reports for the Detroit Conference. Nancy is also responsible for approving all moves for both conferences.

If these are your questions, contact Nancy Wyllys …

  • What if I am moving what do I need to know?
  • What is the current mileage rate?
  • What voucher do I need to submit for my expenses?
  • How do I get my voucher to you?
  • Why do I need a W-9 completed?

Rich Pittenger – Accounts Receivable
Phone Number: (810) 233-5500 ext 1371
Email: rpittenger@michiganumc.org

The Accounts Receivable person is responsible for the billing, receipting, and reporting of the Apportionments / Ministry Shares programs. They are responsible for the receipting of miscellaneous receivables for the Detroit Conference and Pay Pal.

If these are your questions, contact Rich Pittenger …

  • What if I have Ministry Shares / Apportionment questions?
  • Where do I send my payment?
  • What if I do not understand my Ministry Shares / Apportionment statement?
  • What if I need a report for Pay Pal?
  • What if I need an advance number?

Michael Mayo-Moyle – IT Specialist
Phone Number: (810) 233-5500 ext 1373
Email: mmayomoyle@michiganumc.org

The IT Specialist person is responsible for all technology issues of the Conference and Conference employees. This includes, but not limited to, purchasing and repairing of computers, printers, copiers, and telephones.

If these are your questions, contact Mike Mayo-Moyle …

  • What if I am locked out of my computer (or email), can you reset my password?
  • What if the printer / copier isn’t working, can you fix it?
  • What is the Wi-Fi Password?
  • What if I cannot connect to the network (shared) drive?
  • What if I need a new computer or printer?

John Kosten – Benefits Administrator
Phone Number: (810) 233-5500 ext 1243
Email: jkosten@michiganumc.org

The benefits administrator is currently responsible for administering the West Michigan (WM) Conference health insurance and pension benefits.

If these are your questions, contact John Kosten …

  • What if I have a question about a WM local church or retiree health care monthly billing?
  • What if I have a question about WM health insurance coverage, or have a problem with a claim?
  • What if I have a question about a WM monthly pension billing amount?

Please remain aware that roles, procedures and policies will continue to evolve as we move toward January 1, 2019.

Last Updated on December 28, 2022

The Michigan Conference