Tag: Youth
NCJ youth delegates ready to lead

Two youths share what it’s like to serve as a delegate to the North Central Jurisdictional Conference and their hopes for The United Methodist Church.
Michigan youth go on mission journey

Youth across the North Central Jurisdiction traveled to Des Moines, Iowa, from June 23-29, for the first NCJ Youth Mission Journey.
Teach your children well

By attending track-and-field meets and motocross events with her grandchildren, Cyndy Rossman, East Winds District Co-Lay Leader, has learned that church can happen anywhere.
Is confirmation still important?

What does confirmation look like for youth today? Rev. Christy Miller White says confirmation can be engaging and relevant, and she can assist in resourcing congregations to find the best… Continue Reading Is confirmation still important?
October is a great time to connect with your local school

The Rev. Dwayne Bagley encourages churches to engage their local schools by first asking them these two questions: “What do you need?” and “How can we help?”
Camp community shows up

Liz Carr tells a story of how campers at Lake Louise showed up to surround a fellow camper with love and care following the unexpected death of his mother.
Young Methodists raise climate awareness

Climate Justice for All (CJ4A) is an international project to promote awareness in the run-upto the United Nations’ 26th Climate Change Conference Oct. 31-Nov. 12 in Scotland.
Webinars re-imagine faith formation

As we emerge into the post-pandemic world, we can begin planning for the future of faith formation in our local churches.
Youth ministry beyond Zoom fatigue

“Zoom creates a sense of dread for many and can make even the best-planned activities fall flat.” Christy Miller-White offers alternatives.
Under pressure!

Are you under pressure to plan this new year “like normal”? Christy Miller White encourages persons to reimagine ministry in the face of continued uncertainty of life during the pandemic.