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Dillon’s tips for Michigan 5K success!

5k tips from Dillon Burns

Are you ready for the 6th Annual Michigan Conference 5K? Pastor Dillon Burns is in training right now and he has some counsel for those who plan to walk, run,… Continue Reading Dillon’s tips for Michigan 5K success!

UMVIM training in Flushing Nov. 20


UMVIM, United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, is the heart and hands of the church. Training is available to prepare you for outreach to your neighbors.

We are disciples in training

Chewbacca went to training with his human

People spend a lot of money on training their pets. Pastor Devin Smith believes that training has a lot to do with becoming a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

Board of Laity offers $300 grants

Grant for training

Cultivate and expand your skills and resource your ministry with a grant from the Michigan Conference Board of Laity. Apply before October 1, 2021.

Coaching culture grows in Michigan

Coaching training ahead

The Michigan Conference’s lead coach, Naomi Garcia, explains the history of this significant initiative to develop a culture of coaching that is informative, transformative, and action-driven.

Coaching is like knitting

Yarn for knitting

Coaching can be hard to describe. Naomi Garcia suggests that knitting–making and connecting loops into something attractive and useful–is similar to the coaching experience.

PAPA’s Ministries active in Haiti

PAPA's ministry sponsored a gathering of 250 Haitians for fellowship and training.

PAPA’s Ministries, with the help of the Rev. Lamartiniere Lucien and David Draeger, is sponsoring educational seminars in partnership with the Methodist Church of Haiti.

Liberian women rise above COVID

Women in UMW project in Liberia

UMW in Liberia is training women to make soaps and sanitary pads to generate income and provide needed products in rural villages. 

Great training opportunities ahead

Looking for training

Coach training and the Readiness to Launch network are two excellent online offerings from the conference office of Congregational Vibrancy. Sign up now! 

Travel a new road with coach training

Training on the road to change

Step up your effectiveness as a leader and help others do the same. Basic Coach Training is your road to fresh insights and new action.

The Michigan Conference