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WCA anticipates new, traditionalist church

WCA meets on future of church

The Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) recently held its fourth global gathering, drawing about 1,000 to Asbury UMC in Tulsa, Oklahoma with another 2,000 watching by simulcast.

Court rules on exit plan and more

Judicial Council debates exit plan vote

Legislation setting special exit provisions for any United Methodist churches that want to leave the denomination took effect last February, the church’s top court has ruled.

Our calling in Christ continues

Amy Mayo Moyle introduces legislation Bishop Bard continues to interpret

Bishop David Bard brings into clearer focus some aspirational actions taken by the 2019 Michigan Annual Conference, as the journey toward GC2020 continues to move forward.

Conferences mull denomination’s future

Conference members hold cards in the air to vote at the Michigan Annual Conference.

Many United Methodist conferences meeting across the United States this summer had passionate discussions about the future of the denomination.

Splinter or schism ahead?

Woman praying at St. Louis General Conference.

Will the denomination act toward schism or splinter? The author says it’s still too soon to tell what might happen. He urges careful consideration of consequences.

Bishops have questions for Judicial Council

Bishops Haller and Ough listen intently during a meeting of the Council of Bishops.

Council of Bishops asks the Judicial Council, UMC’s top court, to rule on five questions related to the Traditional Plan. 

AC elections shift GC 2020 delegates

Diana and Duane Miller use electronic voting devices at The Michigan Conference.

U.S. annual conferences elected more delegates opposed to the Traditional Plan, but traditionalists estimate they still have the majority overall for General Conference 2020.

Traditionalist advocates, bishops talk

Supporters of Traditional Plan

Traditionalist advocates recently met with United Methodist bishops from Africa, Europe and the Philippines to discuss the denomination’s future.  

Bishops address a ‘chaotic moment’ in UMC

Bishops Kiesey and Steiner-Ball

The Council of Bishops began its spring meeting May 6 amid conversations around the denomination about possibly splitting the church. 

Court rulings put focus on UMC’s future

The Dome in St. Louis with 2019 delegates to General Conference

Rulings by Judicial Council on actions of the 2019 General Conference have some church members celebrating and some moving on.

The Michigan Conference