Tag: stewardship
Apply now for Steward Leader award
The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan is accepting local church applications for the 2019 Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader Award.
People give to people
A stewardship consultant, J. Clif Christopher, says that relationship building is the key factor in encouraging donors to give generously.
The fire next time
Advent is a time to focus on how humans have failed in the God-given duty to care for God’s creation.
Involving young people in stewardship
In a “Leading Ideas” feature, Ian Urriola outlines four ways churches can foster a culture of generosity among young people.
50 ways to better stewardship
A healthy frame of mind, a good ask, and awareness of the “giving pyramid” of the congregation are all essential elements in an effective stewardship campaign.
The year-end giving playbook
It’s July and time to give serious thought to an awesome end-of-year financial campaign.
Ministry with zero dollars
“There should be ample reason to spend the ‘widow’s mite,’” says professor Philip Nation.
Barrett Award applications are due
Applications for the Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader Award are due February 28.
Connecting to do more
The global connection of The United Methodist Church helps inform and inspire generous giving.
Ask and get more
A deeper look into fundraising psychology and tips to help you move people to give generously.