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Keep Christ in the center


Nearing retirement, Rev. John Hice reflects on his hope-filled seminary days, the challenging intervening years, and how he’s kept his ministry focus on Christ.

Pastor honored for 60 years of service

The family of Rev. Lowell Walsworth surrounds the retired pastor.

The 60-year ministry of Rev. Dr. Lowell “Wally” Walsworth was recently celebrated at a Ministry Sunday service where a seminary scholarship in his honor was also announced.

Come to the world table on October 6

Worldl Communion Sunday table

A former refugee, this World Communion Scholarship recipient says, “I am prayerfully discerning what ministry God is calling me to specifically.”

UTS Course of Study discontinued

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is closing the Course of Study piloted at United Theological Seminary.

Consider School in Elkhart

The Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Indiana has issued an invitation for a Seminary Preview Day.

Ellsworth Kalas passes

A man known to many Asbury Seminary graduates in Michigan, the Rev. Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas, died this week.

MTSO honors Judith Craig

Bishop Judith Craig, who served as the episcopal leader of the Michigan Area from 1984 to 1992, will be honored by the Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO) during its… Continue Reading MTSO honors Judith Craig

United among fastest-growing seminaries

In an April report from the Association of Theological Schools, United Theological Seminary of Dayton, Ohio, was named one of only 12 schools to have grown by at least 50 percent… Continue Reading United among fastest-growing seminaries

The Michigan Conference